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Top blue bar image Experiences from COP15
Rice takes on Copenhagen



One of the things that made an impression on me where the amount and degree of commitment of many of the organizations representing different aspects of society.

Here is a partial list of the NGOs that participated in COP15 side events. That is, the conference that run in parallel to negotiation sessions (for goverments). Note that NGOs include organizations representing many sectors of society, including business, agriculture, transportation, and finance, not only environmental or charitable NGOs.

Supranational associations

ILO- International Labor Organization (UN)

WHO- World Health Organization

UNEP- UN Environmental Program

OECD- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

US National Organizations

NOAA- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

DOE- Department of Energy

EPA- Environmental Protection Agency

US Dept of Transportation

Secretary of Agriculture

EU organizations

Individual countries and EU general directorates

BINGOs- Business and Industry NGOs.

IFAP- International Federation of Agricultural Producers

BusinessEurope- Confederation of European Business

ACEA- European Car Association (in French)

ITF-International Transport Forum (OECD)


ITPS – Institution for Transport Policy Studies (OECD)

Solar Energy Industries Association

IEP-International Electric Partnership (Edison Electric Institute+ Eurelectric,+ FEPC (Japans Nuclear Power Program)+ Consumer Electronics Association)

WBCSD- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (?)

FICCI- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Climate related:

CMIA- Carbon Markets and Investors Association

IETA- International Emissions Trading Association


The Climate Registry

Home Page


EIB-European Investment Bank

OECD- Org Economic Cooperation and Development

World Bank

Inter-American Development Bank

Development Fund Norway

ENGOs- Environmental NGOs

IPAM- Amazon Environmental Research Institute

Cooperation NGOs

Red Cross


WCC- World Council of Churches

CI- CARE International

RINGO- Research and Independent NGOs

WRI-Word Resources Institute

Georgetown U- The Climate Registry

Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Stockholm Environmental Institute

Bellona Foundation (Norway)

Woods Hole Research Center

Stanford University

UN University

NCAR- National Center for Atmospheric Research

IISD- International Institute for Sustainable Development

Trade Unions NGOs

Local governments and municipalities NGOs(interesting how many initiatives already operating) –Bottom-up approach instead of top-down.

ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability (US cities and counties)


IDESAM- Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas

FFLA- Fundacion para la promocion del desarrollo sustentable Futuro Latinoamericano